Our ResearchThe global challenge faced by the Florey Institute
Antibiotics have been a crucial part of human healthcare for over 70 years. Much of their use is in the direct treatment of serious infections but they also have a great supporting role in outpatient care, touching almost every aspect of modern medicine. Globally the effectiveness of antimicrobial compounds is decreasing as infectious species become increasingly resistant. It is against this backdrop that the Florey Institute for Host-Pathogen Interactions has been established. As part of the University of Sheffield’s 2022 Futures initiative The Florey Institute aims to create a world-leading focus on antimicrobial resistance from fundamental science to translation, bringing together scientists and clinicians to tackle this most important of problems. The Florey Institute at our Launch event in 2017 '#TDDW'
How the Florey Institute works
The Institute is based on interdisciplinary research carried out by an integrated team from across the University of Sheffield and beyond. We have recruited new academic and clinical personnel to make significant progress in our endeavour. This is further catalysed by an active cohort of PhD students and Research Staff who together link our specific research areas and interact with our global partners. This unique environment has already been pivotal in capturing significant programme and other grant funding from the UK AMR initiative, providing a firm foundation to launch the success of the Florey Institute. Moving forward, the Florey Institute is setting up an interdisciplinary MSc in Antibiotic Resistance, to start in 2019, to further our academic standing and help us build ever stronger international collaborations in this expanding research area. The Florey Institute: Collaborative partners (in orange) and outputs (in blue)
Links with the Imagine institute