Florey Collaborative Infection Research Meeting 2020The community of infectious disease researchers in Sheffield is growing in both number and breadth. We would like to build on these foundations and bring people together to develop further our network of researchers that will be well-equipped to submit and secure grants from major funding bodies.
Our programme includes both keynote and short talks exemplifying existing and potential infection collaborations across the Univerity of Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, round table break out workshops, and plenty of time to meet and share.
The Florey Institute is proud to host the following keynote speakers: The Florey is now seeing the benefits of its multi-disciplinary approach with significant funding awards and grant applications this year. Our next research meeting has the sole aim of continuing such success for 2020 and beyond. We are bringing together all and any of you with interests in infection research, to share your ideas and expertise and to sow the seeds for the next crop of successful infection research in Sheffield.