What's growing on YOUR hands?
Last weekend (16-17 Sep 17), the Florey students run an activity in the Winter Garden to demonstrate that we all have bacteria growing on our hands. The results show the diversity of cultivatable bacteria that can grow on our skin.
Please see the results below (A: before washing, B: after washing). Just match the number we gave you on the day with the number under the photo to see what is growing on YOUR hands!
Don't forget that many bacteria on your skin are harmless, and are even beneficial to your health. The aim of washing your hands is to remove any bacteria that may cause disease. Hand washing is a simple, effective way to help stop the spread of disease and is the single most important factor in the control of infection!
READ MORE: NHS advice on hand washing
Please note that this test cannot distinguish between 'good' flora and 'bad' disease-causing bacteria.
Please see the results below (A: before washing, B: after washing). Just match the number we gave you on the day with the number under the photo to see what is growing on YOUR hands!
Don't forget that many bacteria on your skin are harmless, and are even beneficial to your health. The aim of washing your hands is to remove any bacteria that may cause disease. Hand washing is a simple, effective way to help stop the spread of disease and is the single most important factor in the control of infection!
READ MORE: NHS advice on hand washing
Please note that this test cannot distinguish between 'good' flora and 'bad' disease-causing bacteria.
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