Florey Institute Symposium and StaphGBI - virtual eventStaphGBI meeting - 8th July
The StaphGBI meeting aims to bring together leading experts in Staphylococcus cell biology, looking to understand the fundamental processes that make this organism work and how this might impact infection treatments.
StaphGBI keynote: Regulation of Staphylococcus aureus colonization and disease
Prof. Alex Horswill
University of Colorado
Florey Institute's Annual Symposium - 9th July
The community of infectious disease researchers in Sheffield is growing in both number and breadth, we continue to build on these foundations bringing people together to further develop our network of researchers.
The Florey Institute is proud to host the following keynote speakers: Keynote 1: Modelling bacterial response to cell wall targeting antibiotics
Keynote 2: Immune evasion by Neisseria meningitidis: host-pathogen interactions and vaccine development
Keynote 3: Localizing peptidoglycan synthesis for bacterial growth and morphogenesis
This symposium brings together any researchers with interests in microbiology and infection research. Sharing ideas and expertise and to sow the seeds for the next generation of researchers to continue this important work in Sheffield.
Abstract submission - Closing Date 1st June (now closed)